Common Style Mistakes Grooms Make at their Wedding

Its a feeling we all know. Looking back at old pictures of ourselves and thinking “What the heck was I thinking when I wore that??” Sure, there’s a certain amount of fun to be had in it when you look at random pictures of your past, but that’s not what you want to focus on when you pull out your wedding photo album to reminisce.

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Necktie Knots

There are dozens of ways to tie a necktie. In fact, authors Thomas Fink and Yong Mao published a book titled The 85 Ways to Tie a Tie in 1999. No doubt even more have been invented since then. Tie knots all vary in size, shape, symmetry, and difficulty in creation. But while there may be a myriad of methods to flip some fabric, there are truly only several a man needs to know.

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Common Style Mistakes and Misconceptions

The world of menswear can be a confusing one. There seems to be a lot of rules and regulations on something as simple as wearing clothes. Truthfully, some of these rules are obsolete while others are still considered solid guidance. Where do these rules come from and why do they apply? Who’s got the time to look up what’s appropriate every time you need to head out the door?

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Gangster Gravitas

It’s the 20’s again folks.

From flappers with feathers to suffrage and progress, prohibition and protests to bootlegging and speakeasy’s… The 1920’s, glamorized in countless media, is a decade that has rightfully earned its space in the culture of the American mind. Part of that space belongs to none other than the early 20th century gangster.

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